Today was very long and busy. We got up early and put on our fancy (business casual) lobbying clothes. We ate a breakfast of bagels and got on the road. We found out that, unfortunately, our West Wing tour of the White House with Nate Tibbits was canceled by the Secret Service because people would be working late that night. We took the normal White House tour and then met up with the commie trip afterwards. The trips mingled and talked for half an hour before taking their own separate ways.
Then we continued on to the Alliance for Appalachia headquarters and picked up the information packet/books to drop off at senators’ offices. We were all pretty nervous about the lobbying, but it turned out to be easier than we thought (we stopped at 35 offices!).
Then we went back home to chill for an hour before putting on even more fancy clothes and driving back into D.C. We were supposed to arrive at the hors d’ oeuvre session in a building close to the capitol at 6pm, but due to traffic and parking issues we arrived 20 minutes late. Most of the good food was already gone but we got some soda, veggie sticks, and nasty cheese. Mmm! It was loud and packed and basically was an awful waste of time (I predicted beforehand that it would be something along those lines.) The only good thing was that we got a picture with senator Cardin from Maryland who was anti-mountaintop removal. We left hungry and tired.
On the drive back, we decided to get pizza with some of our kitty money. Someone called the Overstreets to see where we should get it. John said that if we ordered the pizza, he would pick it up. We called up the place and ordered. We got back and ate the pizzas. John didn’t tell us how much they cost so we could pay him back (a good example of the Overstreets’ hospitality). Then we went to bed. Blog to you on day 17. Thankya, blessya , and God bless the pee trip.
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